We distribute an extensive selection of CATERPILLAR FORKLIFT FILTER parts for all makes and models. We ship directly from various warehouses located all over North America to provide the fastest shipping at the most affordable prices.
Forklift filters are amongst the common accessories in heavy-duty forklift trucks because these vehicles usually run in the extreme weather conditions. Forklifts trucks also get easily contaminated because of the fact that they are largely used in warehouses and stockyards. These dirt & contaminants bring severe affects to the mechanism of the forklift engine if not prevented timely.
Mixing of atmospheric air with the fuel oil is a pre-requisite for the ignition & proper running of the engine. This atmospheric air is not at all clean because it gets heavily polluted with smokes, gases, dust particles & other contaminants. If by any means this polluted air enters into the system, then engine’s efficiency will be seriously harmed & even this occurrence might end up putting the engine to a halt.
We have discussed about the disadvantages of the contaminated air getting into the system, now let’s focus on how the filters can prevent such abrasive matters to create such nuisance. Fibrous materials which are the basic ingredient of the filter help removing molds, pollens, dust particles & other pollutants. Pleated-paper filter & cylindrical shaped air filter models are very popular amongst the modern forklift trucks.
If you usually operate your forklift truck continuously at its optimum level then it is better to replace then transmission filter whenever you are performing a routine maintenance check. If you are planning to replace your old & unusable filter, then you can avail the opportunity to choose from filters with numerous sizes and models here in Solid Lift Inc. Garb this opportunity & contact us to learn more.
Caterpillar Forklift Filter Photos
*Manuals and parts books are not owned by Solid Lift Parts inc. and are presented for reference purpose only.