We distribute an extensive selection of CATERPILLAR FORKLIFT FUSE parts for all makes and models. We ship directly from various warehouses located all over North America to provide the fastest shipping at the most affordable prices.
Nowadays, electrical systems of automobiles are extremely complex. Virtually all lat model vehicles have various attachments as electrical safety device. The purpose of using electrical fuse in a forklift is to protect the engine parts in the event of a short circuit. When an excessive load of electricity passes through forklift engine, the fuse disconnects the electrical supply line on instant. This saves the engine from a massive damage and also ensures safety of the operator.
Basically, the Caterpillar Forklift Fuse consists of metal strip which is surrounded by non-combustible material. The fuse element is made of aluminum, copper, zinc, silver, or alloys to provide stable characteristics. The working procedure of automobile fuse is similar to electrical fuse appliances. When electricity overflows, the temperature of fusible material raises high, which causes fuse material melts down itself and disconnects the electricity line.
In forklift engine, the fuse blows just before when the speed crosses the safe limit. Sudden disconnection of electrical circuit protects the engine from further damages.
There are two basic types of fuse that is used in automobile.
Either one can be chosen as per the requirement of respective vehicle and the type of load using in the engine. Sometimes regulatory requirements make it clear which type of fuse must be used.
Solid Lift Parts Inc. provides forklift fuses for caterpillar models. In case you need any assistance you can just contact with us anytime you want.
Caterpillar Forklift Fuse Photos
*Manuals and parts books are not owned by Solid Lift Parts inc. and are presented for reference purpose only.