We distribute an extensive selection of CATERPILLAR FORKLIFT WHEEL CYLINDER parts for all makes and models. We ship directly from various warehouses located all over North America to provide the fastest shipping at the most affordable prices.
Being attached to each wheel, the Caterpillar Forklift Wheel Cylinders play a vital role to consolidate the brake fluid. Or we can say the shoes are forced to engage with the drum and thus it stops the forklift by friction. The forklift’s braking capacity may get harmed or even it may not stop if there is no brake wheel cylinder.
Leaks are very usual problems of a brake wheel cylinder. Apart from that, there are other different problems like noises or when the floor is touched by the pedal brakes. So, whenever the brake-warning light gets on, the cylinder needs a professional inspection. Besides, the cylinders require routine supervision at least once a year.
Replacement of the wheel cylinders can be a very difficult job. But, it gets quite easy when the perfect tools are used. At first the car needs to be arrayed on jack under the frame. The hydraulic line and fitting should be sprayed with a rust penetration spray as soon as all the tires, brake drums and brake shoes are shifted. Then unfix the hydraulic fitting with a wrench and ensure the line is plugged. Then remove the fittings with old wheel cylinder & replace it with the new one.
Are you searching for the perfect brake wheel cylinder for your caterpillar forklift? Solid Lift Parts Inc. can always provide you from huge collection of different makes and models. So just pick up your phone & make a call to us & we will get your desired one shipped at your home right away!
Caterpillar Forklift Wheel Cylinder Photos
*Manuals and parts books are not owned by Solid Lift Parts inc. and are presented for reference purpose only.