We distribute an extensive selection of YALE - FORKLIFT SEAT BELTS parts for all makes and models. We ship directly from various warehouses located all over North America to provide the fastest shipping at the most affordable prices.
When it comes to safety, Yale forklift seatbelts are a good pick. Yale seatbelts are resistant to wear and tear, making them indispensable in your vehicle.
In broad terms, we can divide vehicle safety systems into two large and wide parts: active safety systems and passive safety systems. Active safety includes everything that has the function of avoiding an accident: braking system, brake lights, headlights, ABS, stability system, pressure sensors, helium mirrors, etc. Passive safety includes all the elements designed to save lives in the event of an accident: safety belt, airbags, impact absorbing area, windows, etc. There is also a third category of safety systems, the post-accident system, which is designed to avoid another unpleasant incident that may have survivors' lives: for example, the fire that can occur after an accident.
Types of seatbelts:
Even though changes and improvements have been made to safety belts over the years, its purpose has remained the same. A belt of fabric, polypropylene, resistant to huge forces, designed to keep the body fixed by the seat in the event of an accident. Even if it was equipped with electric systems, which predisposes it in case of a very violent brake, or it has been transformed into an inflatable belt.
*Manuals and parts books are not owned by Solid Lift Parts inc. and are presented for reference purpose only.